Fantasy Formula E

Fantasy Formula E - Leagues

These are the leagues where the battle for the best Fantasy Formula E team is taking place.

The Fantasy Formula E 'Want to win' League

  • Description: All `Want to Win` teams are automatically entered in this league
  • Allowed team types: Want to Win
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Moving Target Rosie Outlook 912
2nd Weston Chainsaws jonhairs 841
3rd Fully Charged DaveColeman1 816
4th Croissant UP Institute FE Team cornflakestein 806
5th I've run out of leccie 2024 davet 805

The Fantasy Formula E World Championship League

  • Description: All 'Want to win' & 'Want to lose' teams are entered here. The 2023-24 Fantasy Formula E winner is decided from this league
  • Allowed team types: Want to Lose and Want to Win
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Moving Target Rosie Outlook 912
2nd Weston Chainsaws jonhairs 841
3rd Fully Charged DaveColeman1 816
4th Croissant UP Institute FE Team cornflakestein 806
5th I've run out of leccie 2024 davet 805

The Fantasy Formula E Want to lose' League

  • Description: All `Want to lose` teams are automatically entered in this league
  • Allowed team types: Want to Lose
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Losers are Winners DaveColeman1 781
2nd Automatic Fine Home James 712
3rd Bram's oops I forgot the to pay the bill team Pete (Brammers) 701
4th Lack energy Charged800V 696
5th Ohohohoho Racing FMannix 684

Other leagues

League name Teams
Revved Up Twenty Join league 20
Weston Formula E Join league 5
Swiss league Join open league 2